Governing Body
Governing Body 2023-2024
We have an active team of governors who are appointed in their role at school to strategically lead and support the work of the school and be representatives for the parents and families. The Governing Body is made up of parent, staff, local authority, foundation and community representatives.
School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Governors appoint the Head Teacher and are involved in the appointment of other staff, following safe recruitment procedures at all times.
Each individual governor is a member of the Governing Body, which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual Governors may not act independently of the rest of the Governing Body. Decisions are the joint responsibility of the Governing Body. The Governing Body are always keen to hear the views of parents and carers and work to improve the education, care and well-being of children and young people within the community and to promote the highest standards.
Parent Governors | Appointed | Staff Governors | Appointed | |
Mrs Samantha Hulse Mrs Mel Newell Helen Mole Tom Blow | 2024 2021 2022 2023 | Ms Charlotte Norris | 2022 | |
Local Authority Governors | Ex Officio HeadTeacher | |||
Mrs Karen Lewing | 2021 | Mrs Sarah Hanson | 2015 | |
Associate Governor | Co-Opted (Community Governors) | |||
Mr Bob Morrison Mrs Kate Robertson Mr Abhinav Mathur Mr William Ottaway Ms Kate Gynn | 2022 2022 2019 2021 2024 | |||
Foundation Governors | Clerk to the Governors | |||
Rev Sarah Northall Mrs Vanessa Haddleton | 2022 2024 | Mrs Glenys Morrison | 2009 | |
Governors responsible for Safeguarding including Child Protection: | ||||
Ms Kate Gynn | ||||
Our Governing Body can be contacted directly via the school office either by letter or e-mail . |
Governors Roles and other Interests | ||||||
Governor Name | Governor Type | Specific Role or responsibility | Business Interests | Sub committee | Financial Interests | Governance Role in any other school |
Kate Gynn | Co-Opted | Safeguarding & Child Protection. Anti-bullying | None | Curriculum | None | No |
Sarah Hanson | Ex-Officio | Head Teacher | Yes Spouse is CEO of Avonreach Academy Trust | Finance Curriculum People | None | No |
Sam Hulse (Chair) | Parent | RE (Religious Education) PSHE Link | None | Curriculum | None | No |
Karen Lewing | Local Authority | Health and Safety Eco Link | Worcester city councillor, Arboretum ward | Finance | None | No |
Abhinav Mathur | Co-opted | Finance Convenor PE and Outdoor Education | Yes | Finance People | None | The Kings School, Worcester |
Bob Morrison | Co-opted | Pupil Premium People Convenor | None | Finance People | None | No |
Mel Newell | Parent | Vice Chair Inclusion (SEND, disadvantaged, vulnerable pupils, Children Looked After-LAC) English Link | None | Curriculum People | None | No |
Charlotte Norris | Staff | None | Curriculum | None | No | |
William Ottaway | Co-Opted | DPO (Data Protection Officer) Maths & Science Link Early Years Curriculum Convenor | None | Curriculum People | None | No |
Kate Robertson | Co-opted | Deputy Head Teacher Policy review | None | Finance Curriculum | None | No |
Rev Sarah Northall | Foundation | None | People | None | No | |
Helen Mole | Parent | Arts & Marketing and Communications | None | Finance & Resources | None | No |
Tome Blow | Parent | None | None | No |
Governors Meeting Attendance | |||||
Category (Governor) | Name | Start Date | End Date | Appointed By | Meeting Attendance Sept 2022 – Sept 2023 |
Parent Governor | Ms Kate Gynn | 26/11/19 | 26/11/23 | Parents | 80% |
Parent Governor | Mrs Sam Hulse | 18/01/20 | 18/01/24 | Parents | 80% |
Co-Opted Governor | Mr Abhinav Mathur | 16/09/19 | 16/09/23 | Governing Body | 100% |
Parent Governor | Mrs Mel Newell | 14/12/21 | 13/12/25 | Governing Body | 100% |
Co-Opted Governor | Mr William Ottaway | 22/11/21 | 21/11/25 | Parents | 100% |
Headteacher (ex-officio) | Mrs Sarah Hanson | 04/01/15 | N/A | Governing Body | 80% |
Co-Opted Governor | Mrs Kate Robertson | 05/01/22 | 04/01/26 | Governing Body | 100% |
Staff Governor | Ms Charlotte Norris | 07/03/22 | 06/03/26 | School Staff | 100% |
Co-Opted Governor | Mr Bob Morrison | 25/02/22 | 24/02/26 | Governing Body | 80% |
Parent Governor | Mrs Helen Mole | 12/12/22 | 11/12/26 | Governing Body | 100% |
Local Authority | Cllr Karen Lewing | 08/11/21 | 07/11/25 | Governing Body | 60% |
Clerk | Mrs Glenys Morrison | 21/09/09 | 100% | ||
Portfolio Holders |
2022/23 |
2023/24 |
Safeguarding & Child Protection | Ms K Gynn | Ms K Gynn | ||
Inclusion (SEND, disadvantaged pupils, vulnerable pupils;LAC) | Mrs M Newell | Mrs M Newell | ||
Health & Safety (to include accessibility) | Cllr K Lewing | Cllr K Lewing | ||
EYFS (including Pre-school) | Mr W Ottaway | Mr W Ottaway | ||
Pupil Premium | Mr B Morrison | Mr B Morrison | ||
DPO | Mr W Ottaway | Mr W Ottaway | ||
RE Link (now SIAMS from 2022/23 | Mrs S Hulse | Mrs S Hulse | ||
ECO | Cllr K Lewing | |||
Subject Leader Link | 2022/23 | 2023/24 | ||
English | Mr D Roberts-Lowe | Mrs M Newell | ||
Maths | Mr W Ottaway | Mr W Ottaway | ||
PE & Outdoor Education | Mr A Mathur | Mr A Mathur | ||
PSHE | Mrs S Hulse | Mrs S Hulse | ||
RE | Mrs S Hulse | Mrs S Hulse | ||
Science & Technology | Mr W Ottaway | Mr W Ottaway | ||
The Arts | Mr D Roberts-Lowe | Mrs H Mole | ||
Marketing & Communications | Mr D Roberts-Lowe | Mrs H Mole | ||
Hamanities & MFL | N/A | N/A | ||
Performance Management | ||||
2023/24 | Ms K Gynn Mr A Mathur | Mr B Morrison |
Portfolio Holders |
2022/23 |
2023/24 |
Safeguarding & Child Protection | Ms K Gynn | Ms K Gynn | |
Inclusion (SEND, disadvantaged pupils, vulnerable pupils;LAC) | Mrs M Newell | Mrs M Newell |
The Full Governing Body meets each half term and focusses on strategic leadership and direction, accountability, decision making, legal compliance and evaluation. The full governing body are sometimes called upon to make panels to address issues such as complaints, exclusions or serious safeguarding matters.There are also 3 sub committees that meet regularly and address different aspects of school governance:
Specifically focussed on educational improvement and rigorous analysis of data
Charlotte Norris, William Ottaway (Convenor), Sarah Hanson, Kate Robertson, Sam Hulse, Mel Newell and Kate Gynn.
Specifically focussed on financial management and monitoring, financial frameworks and accountability
Abhinav Mathur (Convenor), Sarah Hanson, Bob Morrison, Kate Robertson Karen Lewing and Helen Mole
Specifically focussed on staffing and performance management
Sarah Hanson, Bob Morrison (Convenor), William Ottaway, Abhinav Mathur, Mel Newell and Rev Sarah Northall.
William Ottaway, Abhinav Mathur and Charlotte Norris
Core Purpose of the Governing Body
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
The Governing Body is made up of:
- 4 Co-opted (community) governors
- 4 Parent governors
- 1 Foundation governors
- 1 Staff governor
- 1 Local Authority governor
- Head Teacher (ex-officio)
Governors Bio's
I have worked in education for 32 years and first trained as a teacher at the University of London, Goldsmiths’ College. I have worked in five schools in both London and Worcestershire and in a variety of roles, and this includes teaching from Nursery age to Year 6 and working in a leadership role in three schools before starting as Head Teacher at St. Barnabas. My philosophy of education is simple and is that every child, regardless of background, starting point, gender or family circumstances should be able to experience a fantastic education; one that is exciting and interesting and that prepares them for their future. That school should be a place of safety, happiness, memorable experiences and challenges and that we prepare our children with the social and personal skills to accept the challenges that life offers! Our children are our greatest treasure and our future and that what we do both at home and school, every day, makes a difference to our children’s prospects. I am married and am a parent to two young adults. I look forward to working with you and your family as part of our thriving school community.
My first involvement with St Barnabas Governors was as a parent many years ago. My children are adults now but I still remain intrigued by the dedication and passion of the staff and volunteers in our school to provide a great experience for the children. St Barnabas is such a great place to visit, especially when talking to the children and listening to their ideas to improve the school. Their most fun request was to put a swimming pool on top of the school! Unfortunately, I failed to meet their needs but I often think about it. Our team of governors represent a wide range of different experiences and knowledge which makes this role varied and interesting. My day job involves working with organisations and their managers to get the best out of their people and to perform well. These include schools and academies across the West Midlands. Hopefully I bring some of that expertise and experience to the table when working with the staff and fellow governors.
I moved from Bristol, with my partner, to Birmingham for his job. He secured a consultant post at Worcester Royal Hospital so we relocated to Worcester to improve work life balance. This also meant we were a little closer to home too. My background, prior to teaching, has been within Financial Services HR. I have a Business degree, CTP (Certificate in Training Practice) and studied towards CIPD – Management level. Previous roles have been within Employee Relations, Generalist HR and Internal Communications. My main roles were in Learning, Development and Talent Management where I helped to manage a Graduate Training Programme. I was always keen to become a teacher, so after I qualified as a TA, I completed a SCITT. I am now in my fifth year of teaching and currently teach Year 3 where I have a fantastic class. I believe the skills I have gained will enable me to carry out the role of Governor to a high standard. I have a good understand of policy and how to apply this. As well as ensuring processes work efficiently and timely. I am also keen to be the liaison between the teaching staff and the governors.
I moved to Worcester and made it my home and I’ve always tried to give back to the city & community that welcomed me and helped me raise a family. I am a firm believer that a good educational background sets you up for life. With my corporate work experience and a good understanding of Stakeholder Management, I value the contributions of people with alternative views. I look forward to adding value to the Governing Body with my strategic experience in setting commercial direction and making key decisions based on analytical data. I’m keen to learn more about the school as a co-opted Governor and add value from the management and commercial skills I have developed over the years.
I have lived in the locality of St Barnabas Primary school for over 20 years. My daughter is now in year 1 and I therefore have a vested interest in the school, how it is run and how it performs now and into the future. As a consultant in information security, I work in governance and compliancy roles assessing and producing organisations’ policies, plans, procedures and processes as well as advising on how data, including personal data, should be handled securely. I have also spent over 15 years in a voluntary role on a committee for a large local public event where I have filled multiple roles including event organiser, marketing and sponsorship.
I am a Family Law Solicitor in Worcestershire and my daughter is now in Year 1 at the School. I have lived in Worcester for over 15 years. I was impressed by the School from the first time I visited as a prospective parent and am more impressed now that my daughter has been attending the school for over a year. I have been interested in getting more involved with the School for some time and I am keen to help continue the excellent progress the school makes with the education of our children. As a Solicitor, I am used to checking the fine detail and making sure that the right decisions are made.
I have worked at St Barnabas since 2010 as Deputy Head and staff Governor. Before relocating here I worked in schools in Surrey and South London. I am a mum of two young children who are just beginning their own exciting time at school. Since beginning my teaching career in 1997 I have been privileged to teach so many incredible young people and see them grow into confident learners. Teaching is a magical job and no two days have ever been the same. As a Governor to our school I support links between the governing body and the staff of the school.
I have lived in Worcester my whole life and love our City. I am passionate about learning and have worked in education and training for most of my career, including with adult learners, at University and as a qualified Secondary School teacher. I have worked and volunteered with young people previously as a Scout Leader and a Youth Worker. I currently work for a small charity in Higher Education providing students advice and representation, which gives me a strong background in analysing policies and procedures and challenging information. Since my child became a pupil at St Barnabas I have been impressed by the ethos of the school and now looking forward to working with Staff and other Governors for the good of our children.
I am a City Councillor, the Active Travel Project Officer and an Architect. I am very interested in supporting St Barnabas and would like to help any way I can after all the disruption of Covid. As an architect I specialised in school design. I have been a STEM ambassador in secondary schools conducting mock interviews and have a particular interest in the arts. I am particularly interested in sustainability; whether this be in teaching or running of the school. As an active travel officer I am also interested in supporting children and staff to walk or cycle to school which may include a school street. I am also a keen gardener so would be willing to help in any outdoor initiatives.
I’ve spent much of my life in Worcester, growing up here and spending the bulk of my professional and family life here too. My background is varied, having most recently been in Primary education predominantly as a teacher for 10 years, with responsibilities for training and developing trainee teachers as part of the SCITT programme, as well as developing and pioneering a bespoke curriculum as National Lead Practitioner for my subject for one of the largest MATs. Most of all, I love being a dad and am proud that both my boys love being involved with this local community where they can be nurtured and challenged. I’m committed to serving in whatever way helps this community to thrive and for all our children to get the best possible start in life.
I’ve lived in Worcester almost all of my life and am passionate about supporting the community and improving the lives of those around me.
Both of my children have attended St Barnabas and have benefitted greatly from the school’s nurturing and supportive environment. They have been encouraged to achieve both academically and personally and I am grateful to the whole school team for the wonderful experiences they’ve had and the memories they have made.
St Barnabas is an excellent school and I’m happy to be able to offer my time as parent governor to support its continued development.
Schools have always been part of my working life. I spent the first twenty years of my career in secondary education, focussing especially on staff development and on strategies for helping children and young people learn how to think creatively. Since training for parish ministry at Ripon College Cuddesdon in Oxford, I’ve worked in several communities, in both Oxford and Worcester Diocese. I moved to my current post as Vicar of Warndon in 2019, and in August 2022, I took up additional responsibilities for St Barnabas with Christ Church. In every parish, I’ve made a priority of being good friends with my local schools, and always want to be a very familiar face to the children, as well as taking opportunities to serve as a governor. My personal interests, as well as keeping the peace between a sixteen year old yorkie and a three year old cockapoo, include science fiction, US politics, and running quiz & games events.
Children and young people’s growth and development have always been at the centre of my working life; as a Primary School teacher, a Parent Governor, a Sunday School/Messy Church leader and a support worker at the university. Retirement has brought a fresh opportunity to be involved in education in a voluntary capacity. I moved to Worcester in 2007, since then I have worshipped at St Barnabas Church, where I am a member of the PCC. As a Foundation Governor, I look forward to being involved in a school where the Christian ethos is being preserved and developed, where Christian values flourish and where children blossom into active and informed citizens.