Welcome to St. Barnabas C.E. Primary School
Inspire • Nurture • Achieve
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19 v14

On behalf of the staff and governing body of St. Barnabas C.E. Primary I am delighted to welcome you and your family to our thriving school. St. Barnabas is a truly special place to work, learn and play; the staff here are committed to giving every child the very best start to their education. We believe that every child is a unique and valued member of the community, with individual needs, talents and strengths.
Our motto is “Inspire, Nurture and Achieve” as we know that in the right environment each child can reach their full potential. We want every child to make friends, achieve well, have a wide range of interesting and exciting experiences and learn and grow in a safe, happy and stimulating setting. Christian values are at the heart of everything we do here. Children learn the values of Friendship, Justice, Wisdom, Forgiveness, Perseverance and Thankfulness in a practical and meaningful way and develop a deepening understanding of their place in the world. By providing a rich, well-structured and stimulating curriculum children cultivate their natural curiosity and a love of learning, as well as to respect and care for one another. Positive relationships, outstanding behaviour and good manners are expected and encouraged at all times.
We have high expectations for every child, actively boost self-esteem and confidence and expect our whole community to take responsibility for their words and actions in an age appropriate way. Partnership between home, school and all of our stakeholders is vital and we encourage all parents and carers to take an active part in the education of their children. Our governing body work towards setting us challenges to constantly improve and raise standards and help us ask how we can do even better for your child. We look forward to welcoming you to our school.

Sarah Hanson

Our aim is to inspire a positive approach to life and learning for everyone in the St Barnabas community.
The path to growth starts with nurturing, from the very beginning of their journey, we aim to nurture every pupil as individuals to develop resilience, independence, and an understanding of what they bring to the world.
St. Barnabas delivers a broad and engaging curriculum. Each new topic has an exciting launch, a chance for children to build on their knowledge and skills, then at the end of a topic celebrate their learning.
For every subject, a progression of skills has been carefully mapped from Reception to Year 6.
The St. Barnabas curriculum is topic or theme led with some subjects linking to that theme. Some topics base around a quality text. Some subjects are taught discretely as 'standalone' units.
We promote a whole school Christian value every half term, which is rooted in theology.