Welcome to St. Barnabas CofE Primary School (Green Lane, Worcester, WR3 8NZ)
Phone: 01905 22766
Provision for Children with Special Educational Need or Disabilities (SEND)
The SEND Code of Practice 0-25 years (DfE, January 2015) provides schools with statutory guidance to ensure that the right provision is provided for all pupils with SEND so that they succeed at school and make a successful transition to adulthood.
What are the different areas of SEND?
The SEND Code of Practice describes children’s additional needs in one or more of these four areas:
1. Communication and Interaction
2. Cognition and Learning
3. Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties
4. Sensory and/or Physical needs
Each Local Authority has responded to the SEND code of practice with Local offer which includes a
detailed Graduated Response.
What does it mean if my child is identified as having SEND?
You will be informed by our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator [SENCo],Mrs Cotton, if your child is identified as having a special educational need. With your consent, your child will be added to our school SEND register at ‘SEN Support’ and the in school support will be discussed with you. Some children on the SEND register have an Individual Provision Map which has smart targets relating to their personal area/s of need. These will be reviewed with you at the end of every term.
What Support Will My Child Get In School?
St. Barnabas children all receive quality first teaching within the classroom but additional help may be provided through individual or group interventions for those pupils who may require further support. Resources may also be provided to support your child with their learning in the classroom.
A referral may also be made to an outside agency to seek further advice and support for your child. Parental consent is always gained before any referral is made.
For more detailed information about the support we offer our pupils with special educational needs and disabilities in school, please read our School Information Report.
Further Information and Support
There are drop in sessions with Mrs Cotton (SENCo) and Mrs Haywood (Assistant SENCo) between 2.00pm and 3.15pm every Thursday afternoon in the DT room. Parents and Carers can contact the school office at any time to arrange individual appointments.
It is also important that families know where to go and get help from the Local Authority – the link below has some great resources and information provided by Worcestershire County Council.