P.E Physical Education
Statement of Intent
Our aim is that all of our children are inspired by being physical, in order to develop a personal desire to achieve highly and be the best that they can be.
As the children progress through our school we want every child to develop a range of different sporting characteristics in order to provide them with essential skills which will help them throughout their life. Our physical curriculum will be designed to ensure that all of our children are able to develop the following sporting values;
- determination
- perseverance
- honesty
- loyalty
- trustworthiness
- resilience and passion
We also want our children to develop their teamwork and leadership skills as these characteristics are vital in demonstrating good sportsmanship, which we believe will help them to develop a positive outlook on life.
In P.E. pupils’ skills are developed in Games, Dance, Gymnastics, Outdoor and Adventurous activities, Athletics and Swimming. During Games lessons various different team sports are taught throughout the year, including; Football, Hockey, Rounders, Netball, Tag Rugby, Tennis and Cricket. We also have an annual Sports Day for both K.S.1 and K.S.2. Out of school hours sports clubs are available covering a wider range of activities throughout the year.
Skills Progression
Information for Parents (P.E Kit)
All children are currently expected to come into school already wearing their school P.E. kit, on the day they are timetabled to do their P.E. lesson(s). Not only is it essential for all pupils to wear appropriate kit for their P.E. lessons in order to ensure your child’s safety and a good level of personal hygiene, it is also part of St. Barnabas C.E. Primary School’s Home School Agreement. Our full school P.E. kit consists of:
- White, round neck t-shirt (plain or with school badge)
- Royal blue shorts or skort (no tight cycling shorts please).
- Navy blue plain tracksuit; jumper and trousers (no branded tracksuits, leggings or black please).
- Sports trainers (suitable for use outside on the school playground or field)
In order to ensure the helath and safety of all pupils, children are not allowed to wear jewellery of any kind (including watches, necklaces, fitness trackers and ear-rings), during P.E. lessons, so please ensure that your child is able to remove any of these items themselves. If your child is unable to do this them self then please ensure that these items are removed before the start of the day that your child’s P.E. lesson is due on. Long hair should also be tied back.
Thank you very much in advance for your support in ensuring that your child is appropriately equipped for their learning throughout their P.E. lessons.