Curriculum Design at St Barnabas
Our Christian vision is at the heart of our curriculum and through our values which provide children with essential life skills. At St Barnabas we strive to support children to become confident and resilient learners who embrace a thirst for knowledge to progress well and achieve their personal excellence.
The curriculum is everything that we teach children from when they start at 4 years old until they leave at 11, ready for their next part of life and learning. We offer all children a broad curriculum, through studying subjects from the National Curriculum.
Our curriculum is based on topics or themes with some subjects linking to that theme; some topics are based around a quality text and some subjects are taught discretely as ‘standalone’ units. The curriculum at St Barnabas is carefully sequenced to ensure prior learning is recapped and built upon so that children leave at the end of Key Stage 2 with secure knowledge within any given subject.
More details on our curriculum design here…